import { Context } from './Context.js';
* The application entry point.
* Argument for `Craft.Core.Bootstrap.boot` must have your entry function named as `didBootApplication`.
* The function will be called just after the initialization process of Craft-UIKit itself.
* You can also set your optional value or function in the argument object.
* It can be retrieved via `Craft.Core.Context.getApp()`.
* @namespace Craft.Core.Bootstrap
* @packagename Craft.Core.Bootstrap
* @example
* Craft.Core.Bootstrap.boot({
* router : Craft.Core.HashRouter,
* didBootApplication : function(options){
* let widget = new MyWidget();
* widget.loadView();
* document.getElementById('CraftRoot').appendChild(widget.view);
* },
* token : some_token
* });
* const token = Craft.Core.Context.getApp().token;
export var Bootstrap = {
/** @private */
packagename : 'Craft.Core.Bootstrap',
* @typedef {Object} LaunchEnv
* @property {String} entryPoint - launching hash
* Entry point of Craft-UIKit application.
* @memberof Craft.Core.Bootstrap
* @method Craft.Core.Bootstrap.boot
* @param {Object} app - your application bootloader with didBootApplication
* @param {Function} app.didBootApplication - your bootstrap
* @param {Craft.Core.Router} app.didBootApplication - your bootstrap
* @return {LaunchEnv} - info about launch environment
boot : function(app){
if( !app ){
throw "no app";
// also, init context
// ok, launch the application